The Word Document Page Type is the most widely used
Page. The content within the Word
Document is uploaded to the editable area of the web page. There is no additional functionality to the
The Word Document Upload is also used as an option in the top
part of many other Page Types. When you
are logged in to your site, you can upload content to your web pages anywhere
you see the yellow bar:
This bar also allows you to copy the Word Document that was
used to create the content on the page you are viewing. This is handy if your site has more than one
editor or when you need to edit your site from a location where you do not have
access to the original word documents you used on your website. To do so:
- Click
the "Copy Word Doc" link on the far right side of the yellow bar
- Save
the document to your computer
- Open
the document inside Microsoft Word program
- Edit
the Document
- Save
the Changes
- Upload
the updated document to the website.
These paragraphs that you are reading were created in a Word
Document and then uploaded to the website using the Word Document Page Type.