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WebFrame Guide > Page Types > Edit HTML
  • How to Use This Page Type   
  • How to Use This Page Type

    The Help icon help contains a directory of all icons and their primary functions. The following overview will guide you in using the EasyEditor's tools.


    •   Adding a Hyperlink
    •   Bulk Email Messages using TouchBase
    •   Check Spelling
    •   Clear Formatting in the Document
    •   Create, Modify or Format Text
    •   Create or Modify a Table
    •   Edit Existing Content
    •   Import Content from another Source
    •   Insert an Image
    •   Insert Other Multimedia
    •   Insert Embed Code from Other Third Party Sites
    •   Link to a Document for Download
    •   Optimize Pages for the Web
    •   Preview a Page Before Publishing
    •   Publish a Page
    •   Redo an Action
    •   Save a Document
    •   Undo an Action
    •   View the Editable Area in a Larger Size
    •   View the HTML Source Code
    •   What does the pop-up message, "Unsaved Changes will be lost, do you wish to continue?" mean?
    •   Still Need Help
    •   Adding a Hyperlink
    You may add a hyperlink to existing text to provide access to external websites, FTP sites, or e-mail addresses using the Insert Link icon . In this dialog window, you may choose the type of link and set the image’s target to choose where it will open.

    Note: If inserting an image using TouchBase, please see topic, Bulk Email Messages Using TouchBase.
    [Top of page]
    •   Bulk Email Messages using TouchBase
    If you are using the Easy Editor in our TouchBase bulk email product, you may find these topics useful in setting up your messages:

  • Attaching Documents: For multiple reasons, we recommend against attaching any documents to bulk email messages. Instead, we do recommend uploading the document to your file library, then inserting a link to that document into the email message using the EasyEditor.

  • Creating Hyperlinks: When including hyperlinks in your message, the "http://" must be included in the URL to allow the maximum amount of recipients to be able to click the link directly from the message. This can be accomplished by copying the URL directly from your browser's address bar, then pasting either 1) directly in the message, or 2) directly into the URL field of the Insert Hyperlink window.

  • Inserting a Tracking Image: Inserting a tracking image into your message is encouraged. Using a tracking image in your message enables the message to be tracked so you know who has or has not read your message. But be advised, some email clients will disable images so recipients can't view them until they choose to allow the images to be displayed. The bulk email system will only count the message as Read if a recipient chooses to enable/download this image. To insert a tracking image in your message use the Insert Tracking Image tool .

  • Personalizing Messages: To personalize your message to the recipients from your list, you may insert ~UserName~ in your greeting. To insert a user name, use the Insert User Recipients Name tool . So your introduction would look like this: Dear ~UserName~,
    Upon receipt, the ~UserName~ would be replaced by the recipients name from your mailing list.

  • Automatic List Removal (Opt Out): In order to be compliant with spam regulations, you are incouraged to include a link for recipients to removed from future mailings. To insert this link, use the Insert Link for Automatic List Removal tool . The recipient's name will be removed from any future lists you upload. Opt Out lists can be managed in TouchBase under List Management.

  • Adding a Signature: You may create a signature block under Message Management, Edit Signature Block. To insert this signature block into your message, use the Insert Signature Block tool .

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    •   Check Spelling
    Unfortunately at this time, the EasyEditor is not equipped with a spell checker. Please look for this new upgrade in the near future.
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    •   Clear Formatting in the Document
    Sometimes you may find information that was pasted in from another program is not formatting as you expected in the EasyEditor. To clear formatting that was present in the content’s original software, choose the Clean HTML icon to remove all HTML tags, Word-specific mark up, style sheets, <font> and <span> tags. A majority of the time, this makes imported content much more responsive to the tools in EasyEdit.
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    •   Create, Modify or Format Text
    You can control the display of your test using EasyEdit’s text formatting tools which are similar to Word: .
    [Top of page]
    •   Create or Modify a Table
    You can control the display of your content more effectively with the use of tables. EasyEdit uses tools similar to Word to create and modify tables: . To modify a table after it is created, right click on that table and choose Table, then Properties.
    [Top of page]
    •   Edit Existing Content
    Content may be edited by using the tools in the toolbox, or by right clicking on an object to access its Properties. Other option are available for each object type using the right click action for that object.
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    •   Import Content from another Source
    Preformatted text may be imported into EasyEdit while retaining its original formatting using any of the Paste icons: . Images will not import unless they already exist in the File Library.
    [Top of page]
    •   Insert an Image
    Images may be imported from the File Library by using the Insert Image icon . If an image is not present in the File Library, you have option to upload it in the Insert Image dialog window. In this dialog window, you may set the image’s alignment, assign a link to that image, note alternative text to display and more.

    Note: If inserting an image using TouchBase, please see topic, Bulk Email Messages Using TouchBase.
    [Top of page]
    •   Insert Other Multimedia
    EasyEdit allows you to import Flash (.swf) files, videos and embed videos from YouTube using the following icons: . The following file types are compatible with the Insert Flash and Insert Media tools: .asf, .asx, .avi, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp3, .mp4, .qt, .rm, .swf, .wmv and .wav. To display a video from YouTube, prepare and customize the embed code options (be sure to check the box, "Use old embed code"). Next copy the Embed code from the video on the YouTube website, then use the Embed a YouTube Video tool in EasyEdit and paste the embed code in the requested field.

    Note: If inserting an image using TouchBase, please see topic, Bulk Email Messages Using TouchBase.
    [Top of page]
    •   Insert Embed Code from Other Third Party Sites
    Edit HTML gives you the option to add widgets, iFrames, and plug-ins from other third party websites. Simply copy the embed code provided by the third party site, switch to HTML and paste the embed code between HTML paragraph tags (<p></p>). A note of caution: Due to the different versions of HTML, not all third party code is compatible with WebFrame. If the results you get are not what you're expecting, contact us for further troubleshooting assistance.
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    •   Link to a Document for Download
    You may insert a link to download a document using the Downloadable Files icon . The following file types are accepted: .asp, .doc, .docx, .exe, .htm, .html, .pdf, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .xls, .xlsx and .zip. If a document is not present in the File Library, you have option to upload it in the Downloadable Files dialog window. In this dialog window, you may set the image’s target to choose where it will open and assign text that the link will display.

    Note: If inserting an image using TouchBase, please see topic, Bulk Email Messages Using TouchBase.
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    •   Optimize Pages for the Web
    Choose the page properties icon to give your page a title, description and add keywords. If page properties are not assigned, the default for the site will be used. For additional information about Search Engine Optimization, see link in left menu.
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    •   Preview a Page Before Publishing
    Pages can be viewed before publishing using the Preview icon .
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    •   Publish a Page
    Publishing a page with EasyEdit is the same as with other page types. Choose Publish in the WebFrame control panel.
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    •   Redo an Action
    You may redo an action by using the Undo icon .
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    •   Save a Document
    Documents must be saved before navigating away from the Editor or publishing the page. A message will pop-up when you navigate away from the EasyEditor to remind you to save your changes. If you do not wish to save changes, choose OK. If you would like to save changes, choose Cancel to return to the toolbox to save your document. Note: Even if you have already Saved changes, the message will still pop-up as a reminder.
    [Top of page]
    •   Undo an Action
    You may undo an action by using the Undo icon .
    [Top of page]
    •   View the Editable Area in a Larger Size
    You may prefer working in EasyEdit with a full screen view. Choose the Fit to Window icon to enlarge the editable area. When you are finished, choose this icon again to Restore Down and return to the normal viewing size.
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    •   View the HTML Source Code
    For those with knowledge in HTML, EasyEdit allows you to edit your page using the source code. To toggle between these modes, use the viewing option in the bottom left portion of the EasyEditor .
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    •   What does the pop-up message, "Unsaved Changes will be lost, do you wish to continue?" mean?
    This message will pop up when you try to Publish or navigate away from the editing mode of this page type. It serves as a reminder to save your changes before leaving the editing mode. Note: Even if you have already Saved changes, the message will still pop-up as a reminder. You must save your changes before Publishing the page or navigating away if you want to retain changes made to your draft. (see Save a Document)
    [Top of page]
    •   Still Need Help
    For addition questions about using the EasyEditor, contact us!
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