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WebFrame Guide > Page Types > FAQ
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      Why should I choose to apply to Clarkson College?
      How do I register for a course?
      How many credits can I transfer from courses previously taken?
      How is graduate school different from undergraduate education?
      How do I arrange for preceptors?
      Why should I choose to apply to Clarkson College?
    Clarkson College is a private institution of higher education with a long standing history and success in preparing individuals to apply their skills learned in areas of health care. The Graduate program was established in 1990 and has been very successful in preparing baccalaureate prepared RNs for advanced practice nursing. The College is accredited by the North Central Association of College and Schools, the Higher Learning Commission and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Graduate level classes are offered via online education.
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      How do I register for a course?
    When you are first admitted to the program, the program director and you will plan a tentative sequence of courses based on the anticipated number of courses you wish to take and when classes are scheduled. Classes are not offered every semester; therefore, this progression plan is dependent on the projected 4-year schedule of classes. Registration for online students is announced via the email system. The primary responsibility for registration rests with the student. Each student is responsible for contacting their assigned advisor (either by phone or email) to clarify the course(s) for which they wish to register. The student must also complete the appropriate registration form obtained from the College web site and mail it to their advisor for approval, signature and submission to the Registrar.
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      How many credits can I transfer from courses previously taken?
    Clarkson College will permit transfer of nine credits of graduate level courses if these were taken in the last five years if you obtained a "B" or better. If the courses are very similiar to the coursework in the graduate program for which you are applying, you will be required to submit a copy of the course syllabus, course description and Petition to Reconsider Form to the Director of Graduate Nursing Program. Questions regarding this procedure or other questions related to transfer credite may be directed to the Director of the Graduate Nursing Program.
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      How is graduate school different from undergraduate education?
    Graduate school requires many of the identical behaviors used for completion of the undergraduate education--the ability to think critically, communicate effectively both writeen and verbal form, exhibit effective problem solving skills and demonstrate time management and organizational skills. The majority of courses require completion of several scholarly papers instead of a series of multiple-choice tests. Students are required to synthesize, organize and write scholarly papers, which demand a self-selected review of current published literature relevant to course competencies, as well as interest of the student. Students are expected to become competent in word processing skills and other computer skills in order to be successful in the program. The College provides technical assistance.
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      How do I arrange for preceptors?
    All students are required to make arrangements and find appropriate health professionals that can serve as preceptors during the practicum and/or clinical courses. The course faculty approves the preceptors you choose based on a list of qualifications. Appropriate clinical placements in which the clinical experiences take place also must be approved prior to attending the clinical site. In many instances, contracts for both preceptors and clinical settings must be obtained prior to attending the clinical course. Information is provided to all students prior to registration in the practicum or clinical courses so plans can be made in sufficient time for you to arrange for the appropriate preceptor experiences.
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